Our Lifetime mission
“To create empowerment opportunities for young people and adults”
Our PURPOSE (reason for being):
To help others see that with determination, focus, perseverance and self-belief, anything is possible.
Recruit members of the community and train them to a high standard. Instilling our MISSION, PURPOSE and VALUES along the way, to benefit all areas of their lives.
Ideas to start or end each practice:
An ‘Empowerment talk'.
This can include re-reading the Angels Values Poster or individual team goals.
'Lift Ups’- In a group or partners.
Where one ‘lifts up' another’s mood by praising them for something they did well in class.
What I like about you… This is when athletes sit in pairs and are given 30 seconds to tell the other ‘what they like about them’.
Provide the space to talk to a coach honestly without judgment or criticism.
Positive Affirmations